A global alliance for the protection of life
Vigilife is a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to strengthen scientific, technological, and applied operations cooperation at the international level, with the mission to use innovation to enhance knowledge and the protection of life.

Monitor the evolution of global biodiversity with environmental DNA.
Immerse yourself in the world of Vigilife
Relive the main scientific expeditions of Vigilife, discover the latest technological innovations implemented within the Global Life Observatory, and meet our members and partners.

The magazine of life
The Vigilife Mag aims to present, every year, the main actions carried out within the framework of Vigilife and their benefits for the knowledge, protection or restoration of biodiversity. It also aims to raise public awareness of the importance and fragility of the living world around us.
Discover the magazineVigilife experts speak out
Through this blog, Vigilife members and partners regularly share feedback and news related to their actions around the world to improve the monitoring and protection of biodiversity. Scientific expeditions, technological innovations, solutions … stay tuned!